Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hawaii Five-O is not the Event, but it sure is fun.

Last night was the premiere of two shows I'd been less than excited about seeing, Hawaii Five-O and the Event.  The Event was one of the many shows I had considered to be doomed to failure.  After seeing the pilot, I have no idea whether or not it will catch on.  My mom liked it.  I was annoyed that there was yet another dire moment taking place on a plane.  J. J. Abrams has done that too often for it to be shocking anymore.  I'll keep watching it, but I'm not really holding my breath for anything too great.  After LOST, 24, and Prison Break went down the tubes, I kind of got over this type of show. 

After the Event was over, I ran up and watched Hawaii Five-O on my HD-TV.  First and foremost, the show is absolutely gorgeous (and I'm not just talking about Alex O'Loughlin).  The scenery is the best since LOST.  The show was like a condensed action movie full of shoot outs and helicopters.  Both of the leads got shot in the first episode.  It was awesome.  Of course, I was sold the moment I realised that James Marsters was the villain of the first episode.  I love Spike.  I really enjoyed the show, much more than the Event and I hope it stays on.  Alex has had two failing shows now (Moonlight and Three Rivers) and so I hope this one sticks for him.  He and Dano had great chemistry together and will make a good duo in the show.  The other two actors I wasn't so sure of.  I never liked Boomer on Battlestar Galatica and her main role in Five-O was to look good in a bikini.  Hopefully, she'll get more of a personality as the show progresses.  Jin from LOST did a decent job, but I really find it distracting to listen to him when he isn't talking like Jin.  Six years of LOST has really branded him as that character in my mind. 

Anyways, I'll keep watching both shows for now, but I already know that I'll have much less fun watching the Event.  Hawaii Five-O is just too fun.

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