Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Next month is premiere time for television. Gone will be the dog days of reality television and other bad summer shows. Starting early September, our television will be hopping with new shows doomed for failure and old shows on their last leg. We will grieve the loss of shows such as Dollhouse and Lost, but be thankful no longer to be subjected to the onslaught of convoluted plots and awkward endings. Its time to call the cancellations and hits. Here's hoping that all writers will not serve us pointless procedurals week after week. Here's hoping that characters who die will stay dead. And here's hoping that next year we'll get Terra Nova.

I am looking forward to the return of Supernatural (September 24) and that's about it. Season five was absolutely brilliant. Where other shows were going downhill, this one was only getting better. The apocalypse has been done before in TV, but never quite like this. The Winchester gang created Team Freewill and fought both angels and demons to save the world. They did it too - against the odds. We last saw the Winchester brothers at the end of the Apocalypse - Dean retired, Sam and the other brother died yet again, and Castiel went away to regroup heaven. The original Supernatural story arc was only meant to go five seasons, but the show got a sixth. Kripke's gone but here's hoping the new showrunner can come up with a sixth season to rival the amazing fifth.

Other than Supernatural, I'm looking forward to the new Nikita (September 9). There's been two previous television incarnations of the story (Le Femme Nikita and Alias). This time Nikita is trying to bring down Division from the outside. There will apparently be new assassins within Division training to take her place. I love a good spy show (Covert Affairs was seriously disappointing. Female spies shouldn't be weak and motivated only by their relationships with men.) and so I'm hoping this one with stay on. Nikita is getting paired up with Vampire Diaries which bodes well for it. On a side note, I dislike Shane West but am willing to accept him as Michael if the story is decent.

The Good Guys is coming back this fall too (September 3)! The best summer show EVER. This cop show is absolutely hilarious. Its like a super lighthearted Life on Mars without the time travel. Every episode has an epic shoot out and Dan never fails to amaze me with his strangeness (he calls computers "computer-machines” and David Caruso "the leprechaun who's always taking off his sun glasses"). I can't wait for it to begin again. Every week it took me an half an hour to get Fox coming in for The Good Guys, but it was always worth it.

Last year, I promised myself that I would not watch Heroes. This was a difficult promise to keep because of the amount of air time Syler got last season, but I stuck with it. You see, the show only made me yell at the television which isn‘t a good thing. Heroes is thankfully cancelled, but this year, I have decided to make a similar promise to myself.

Shows I WILL not be watching this year:
1. Fringe - I give up on J. J. Abrams. In every episode, one of the three main characters is in danger of being killed. It was silly. I knew the writers couldn't kill any of those characters off. Oh, and I did yell at the television during the horrific "Brown Betty" episode. It was not a musical. "Once More with Feeling" was a musical. Singing a couple lines twice in a episode does not make it a musical. I couldn't believe I missed an episode of Supernatural for that junk. Anyways . . .
2. Chuck - I hate Chuck and Sarah as a couple. That's my only reason for not watching this fun show.

With two more weeks to slog through until premieres, previews are plenty and hopes are high. Personally, I can’t wait to see if any show can managed to crash and burn as hard as the Jay Leno experiment. Oh wait, that’s impossible.

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