Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Practical Magic - A Review

At 11:00pm last night, I became extremely peeved when my copy of Practical Magic abruptly ended at page 260 in the middle of a sentence.   I had been trying to read through the last two sections before going to bed.  Unfortunately, I was brought to a halt twenty pages short of the conclusion.  This morning, I had to rush out to the library to pick up another copy so I could know how it all ended.  

First, let me say that I loved this book.  And I mean LOVED.  As soon as I read the first sentence, I knew it would be one of those rare books that I could just lose myself in from beginning to end.  This rarely happens for me, and so its absolutely heavenly whenever I find a book that I connect to in this way.   Alice Hoffman has a way of making you feel like you're being buoyed in warm bath as you read her novels.  This isn't to say her books are what most people would consider comfy cozy.  I'm probably unusual in that my comfort reading tends to include death, heartbreak, and desire.  I don't like happy books and so Hoffman's more realistic (albeit magical) stories appeal to me.  

In Practical Magic, I loved that the story focused on the relationships between women.  Its rare to find a book that feels truthful in its depiction of what women are really like.   Alice Hoffman is gifted in being able to reflect the complexity of these relationships with such understated ease.  Of course, everything Alice Hoffman does is understated.  I am sick to death of books that bang you over the head with all their themes and romances and complicated relationships.  It is so refreshing to find an author who just gives you an interpretation of life and allows you to glean from it what you may.

This is only the third book I've read by Alice Hoffman, but I'm already looking forward to my next.  She's becoming one of my favorite, authors and for me this is exhilarating since I rarely like any author well enough to read more than one of their books. 

I would recommend this book to anyone who loves stories stories about strong women, magic, and the worth of true love.

I give it five stars.


  1. I had the same beautiful experience with a book titled "The Name of the Rose" last year. It is nice to find another passionate "bookworm" ;)

    I am a professional actor and freelance writer. I also have a blog where I write about acting, writing, and anything else that relates to them. I was looking for followers and I ran into your blog. I think you might be interested in what I write in my blog. If that is so, I'd be happy to have you as a follower, leaving comments whenever you would like to share some feedback.

    Lovely blog!

    All the best,
    Jay Paoloni

  2. Thank you for joining my blog. I'm interested to read your blog as well. Lately, I've been writing scripts, and so it will be interesting to see the crafts of film and theater from an actor's point of view.

    Also, thanks for the recommendation for "Name of the Rose." I own the book (thanks to a library book sale), but I haven't read it yet. I'll have to pick it up soon.

  3. Hi there. thankyou for following my blog. I really like Hoffman's books too. so far I have read 'The third angel', 'The red garden', 'Skylight confessions' and 'The ice queen'. I have two more sitting on my TBR at home. I'm glad that you enjoyed this one, because I'm excited to read it.

  4. What is your favorite book of hers? I'm not quite sure which to read next.

    Thank you for following my blog, by the way.
